Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Top apps used by SEGi student

By: Krystle & Aleysha
Walking down the hallways of SEGi university, amidst the chatter and hubbub of students going about their day-to-day business, one little detail stands out loud and clear: in every group of students, at least one has a hand stretched out, fingers grasping onto the lifeline of the 21st century – a smartphone. Whichever manufacturer you choose, if you’re checking the daily news, talking to a friend half a world away or shooting a little red bird at a wall of green pigs you’re using what could arguably be the most intriguing part of owning a smartphone: apps.

To find out which apps have SEGi students hooked onto their gadgets, we’ve conducted a small survey of 27 students, sampled from a variety of faculties.

The biggest winners, by far were Whatsapp and Instagram. The social apps have a combined total of 60% of the students listing them as their favorite. Whatsapp users expressed that it enables them to connect and chat with friends and family members instantly and for free, thus replacing the traditional SMS. Mark Ryan, an ADP student, added that it is one of the most stable messenger apps out there. Instagram users, on the other hand, loved that the app allowed them to take, edit and share pictures almost instantly. One fan, Hanna Narimah says she also follows professional photographers for inspiration. The smaller percentages of social apps were made up of Twitter, WeChat and Viber – apps allowing instant micro-blogging and messaging for free with the added bonus of free calls in the case of Viber.
Aida and Divyashine picked games as their favourite apps

A smaller percentage of roughly 10% was made up of students who chose games as their apps of choice. While their specific answers were different – Mr. Crab, Hay Day, and Angry Birds – they all agreed that it was a fun way to pass the time. Narissa Nur expressed that she loved playing video games ever since she was a kid and playing games on her mobile phone was simply a case of moving to a new platform. An even smaller percentage chose miscellaneous entertainment apps, in particular YouTube and Sketchbook. Only one student selected a utility app – Planner, as their favourite.

Smartphone users Raveena Devi, Abigail Palmer and Rahula Loh with their favourite apps

While absolutely nobody paid for their favourite app, we found that some would consider paying quite a hefty sum to have it returned, as is! Gamers Divyashine Asokumar and Aida Anura Azman would pay RM 20 and RM 50 to retrieve their games at the current level they’re on, while the Whatsapp users chimed in with amounts ranging from RM10 to Raveena Devi’s enthusiastic assertion of RM150 to retrieve lost messages. The Instagram users were not to be outdone, with Rahula Loh stating she would gladly pay RM100 to retrieve her Instagram account. The highest amount by far was a Sketchbook user who would gladly pay RM250 to have his app returned.

Almost all of our respondents spend about 2 to 5 hours on their favourite apps per day. Justwin Tan, currently doing a degree in Public Relations says she spends almost every waking second on Whatsapp – she even uses it in the loo!

With so much time spent in close contact with the apps, we asked our respondents how these apps have affected their lives. Almost all agreed that it comes down to the social benefits – chat apps allow them to connect easily to friends and family, gamers find solace with other users of the same app, while some have even made friends over Instagram. Abigail Palmer states that YouTube allows her to stay on top of trends and this keeps her clued in to the interests of her friends. It’s all a whole lot of fun, says gamer Narissa Nur, until someone’s battery runs out!

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