Sunday, February 9, 2014

10 reasons why women are better drivers than men

By: Pritibha and Priya

It is merely impossible to believe or digest the fact of “women are better drivers than men”. In fact, many women actually agree that men are much better drivers than themselves. However, this controversy has led to many in denial of the fact that women are better drivers on the road. In supporting this argument of who is better, here are some reasons why women should be regarded as better drivers compared to men.

1.                  Slow and steady
Women drive slower leaving some even saying that even a tortoise could simply beat a woman in a race. Although women drive slowly, their intentions are to reach their destinations safely – unlike most men whom are more prone to accidents compared to women due to fast driving.

2.            Say no to risk
As much as seen, women don’t take much risk on the road as they put safety ahead of them at most times.. Unlike guys who prefers to speed all the times, and drag race on the road.  Only recently a woman, Justin Bieber was caught by a police drag racing in Miami. Before that incident, there was not much news about women drag racing.

3.          I-care-about-you
Women have maternal instincts, hence they are more aware and concern not only of their own safety, but the safety of other people on the road. It is uncommon to see women driving recklessly on the road however there are some cases of women-driving-gone-wrong.

4.             Keep calm and drive

Women are less aggressive compared to men. Most road bullying incidents are caused by men and not women. Women are generally more patient and have a higher tolerance level, unless it’s during the time of the month then we are a like a ticking atomic bomb waiting to explode. If you piss them off at the wrong time, “the Hulk in them shall emerge” .
5.                  Parking- We rock at it!
Most women are better at parking. Well 99.9% of the men would definitely disagree with this statement. Even though most women might take roughly about a century to properly park their cars, but they don’t usually obstruct traffic and are more considerate compared to men.
6.                  We always rule the rule
Most women obey road rules better compared to men- beating the red light, making the illegal u-turn , speeding more than the speed limit are a few road offences.  Women are always more likely to plan their journey ahead and hence they don’t have the need to speed and drive dangerously on the road. 

7.                  Focus
It may be babysitting a pooch or kitten; women are not distracted by any of it while driving. This is because women are more focused on the road as they tend to pay more attention and are more observant on the road compared to men.

8.                  Multitask- Hell yeah!

Women are better at multitasking compared to men.  I mean they can do their makeup; reply to text messages and at the same time drive safe. We are just better drivers compared to men we can do all 3 things at the same time and still manage to drive without getting involved in a tragic accident.  Isn’t that amazing?
9.                  Know-it-all
Based on the quote, “WHAT SHE SAYS IS ALWAYS RIGHT ”, women tend to think they know things better than men. Most women KNOW the roads well, as they have the potential of keeping track of which roads to take and not to take at peak hours of traffic. Women are more organised compared to men, therefore they could be given credits for their discipline. 

10.              Plan
PLAN – as always, planning ahead of the time is always important, and most women are better drivers compared to men is because most women plan ahead. Using the GPS  in advance to estimate the time of journey show that women are more likely to take note on travelling time to reach destinations in order to avoid speeding. Besides that, they would pack along the essentials before travelling such as our make-ups, extra high heels shoe in the backseat, a few dresses because deciding for one takes ages and by the time they reach their destinations, they would have FINALLY made up their minds.   

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