Wednesday, February 12, 2014

5 ways to spot a homophobe

By: Paul, Nadia and Mark

He brings out the ‘gay’ in me is one of the many utterances by ‘straight’ men on why they become anti-gays or homophobic. “I’m just afraid that I might be gay myself”, said *Andrew when asked why he hated gays so much. Why does that scare you? “I don’t know, men are supposed to be tough and strong you know?” Walking on the street as an open homosexual has often attracted unwanted stares and whispers. Living as a homosexual in this cruel society that is yet to be able to accept homosexuality, knowing who is against you and who is not gives leverage. Here are 5 ways to spot a homophobe.

1.     The Look

Whether they are aware of it or not, as humans it is a normal tendency to give a ‘look’ when encountered with a person we dislike. In most cases regarding homophobes, the number 1 tell-tale sign to know if someone is a homophobe or not is that they will give a kind of ‘look’ these looks can can range from annoyed to disgusted to just completely horrified. “They just keep making this face when I ask what their thoughts are on gay men” said *Neil “And they just give me this annoyed face like I did something wrong”.

Your pick

2.     Avoidance

Most homophobes tend to avoid gay men whenever possible. Whether it is avoiding physical contact or just simply avoiding being next to a gay man. The thought of being near a gay man just sends shudders down their spine. “Sometimes people just walk off as if I have some sort of disease or something” said *Neil.


3.     Fall of conversations

Speaking less is definitely another sign of a homophobic person where yes and no answers are much at play here. A misconception is that every gay guy will hit on a guy regardless if they are gay or not. Therefore men who are homophobic prefer to talk less when encountering a gay man in fear that they gay man will get the wrong message. Wrong message here meaning that the gay man may feel that they straight man is interested in him. “Gay men love to flirt, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to bring every guy I meet home.” says *Neil. I think that says a lot.

4.     Denial Mode

Denying that you aren’t a homophobe is actually one of the biggest signs that you are. But of course this doesn’t apply to everyone because some may actually not be a homophobe. Hesitant to reply whether you are  a homophobe or not with words like “Urm” “Maybe” “I think” makes it pretty obvious already. Either you want to cover up the fact that you are indeed homophobic but afraid to admit it or deep inside you, there is a part of you that is not really truly sure if you can in fact accept gay men.

Urmm I think so

5.     Joking around

Whether we realise it or not making fun of gay men whether intentional or not will some way make us a bit homophobic. Sometimes at the utterance of “Hey Pondan” there is some part small part of us that does make us a homopbobe.

Whether we like to admit it or not, homophobia is an on-going issue that is still going on to this day. No matter how advance we are in the world today, being a gay man is definitely not a walk in the park. So the next time when encountering a gay man whether we are pro-gay or an anti we should always bear in mind that they too are just humans like the rest of us and we should always be aware of how we treat them and the effect that it might have. Remember they too have feelings.
*Names were changed due to privacy concern

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